Getting Albums of facebook account

HTTP request is
GET /v12.0/{user-id}/albums HTTP/1.1

To test/use http

Search fb api test in google

  1. Add user_photos permission, in "Permissions" (bottom right)
  2. "Generate Access token"
  3. Copy me?fields=albums and submit. (if it is for posts during a specific period, use me/posts?fields=message,created_time&since=1631146270&until=1631405470 , to get time stamps in this case use this service )
  4. If in APP, copy {user-id}/albums and submit

The result will be like

    "data": [],
    "paging": {}


***Usually 25 albums will be shown in data .in paging it will show next and previous links.
User the next link to fetch next 25 until next key is not present in paging


is made by copying the return values and making each return value an array element.
it then sorts based on album names.
if there are multiple albums with same names, it will show (multiple #n) as suffix

//echo "<pre>".print_r($fbAlbums,true)."</pre>";
$albumNo = 0;
$albumNames = array();
$duplicateAlbums = array();
function myfunction($value, $key)
    //echo "The key $key has the value $value \n";
    $jsonVal = json_decode($value);
    array_walk($jsonVal->data, function($val){ 
                                    global $albumNames,$albumNo,$duplicateAlbums;
                                    $arrayKey =  $val->name;
                                            $duplicateAlbums[$arrayKey] = 1;
                                        $arrayKey .= " (multiple {$duplicateAlbums[$arrayKey]})";
                                    $albumNames[$arrayKey] = $val->id; 
                                    //echo $albumNo.",".$val->name.",".$val->id."<br />";


// Input array
$arr = array("a"=>"yellow", "b"=>"pink", "c"=>"purple");

// calling array_walk() with no extra parameter
array_walk($fbAlbums, "myfunction");
$sortedAlbumNames = ksort($albumNames);
array_walk($albumNames, function($val,$key){
                                                    global $albumNames,$albumNo;
                                                    $csvSeperator = ";";
                                                    echo '"'.$albumNo."\"".$csvSeperator."\"".$key."\"".$csvSeperator."\"".$val."\"".
                                                    "<br />";
