Android Studio Tips for Beginers


Google Documentation

Keyboad Short Cuts

  1. Ctrl+ Shift + F : Search all (Choose 'Scope' properly, eg: current File)
  2. Ctrl E : view list of recently openerd files
  3. Ctrl + Shift E : view recently added/edited codes
  4. Ctrl + Shift + F12 : Hide all tool windows(view code window alone)
  5. Ctrl + F12 : View all methods,properties of class
  6. F2 : find errors in current file
  7. Ctrl+Shift+V : to choose from recent clipboard contents chunks and insert it.
  8. CTRL+ALT+L : reformat
  9. Ctrl + Q : Quick documentation
  10. Alt + 1 : Show/hide project window
  11. Ctrl + Shift + / : To comment/uncomment a block
  12. Ctrl + / : comment/uncomment one line
  13. Find in current file Ctrl + f
  14. Replace in current file Ctrl +r
  15. Duplicate current line Ctrl D

Other Features

Live Templates



    Menu >> Tools >> SDK Manager
                >>Editor >> Live Templates
    To Add new Live Template, click "+" sign in the right
    eg: Line
    getClass().getName() + " " +Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber()