PHP Storm With WAMP

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  1. Open Configuration File >> Settings or Ctrl + Alt + S
  2. Click PHP
  3. Click on Cli Interpreter Button (three dots)
  4. Click on + symbol on the modal window
  5. Choose the PHP path(it will automatically come if set in %PATH% environment variable)
  6. Set Debbugger extension to the same in php.ini C:\wamp64_v2\bin\php\php7.4.26\ext\php_xdebug-3.1.2-7.4-vc15-x86_64.dll
  7. Ensure Debug settings are correct, espescially port
  8. Edit Server. Mark port and path properly
  9. Deployment
    1. Settings >> Build , Execution and Deployment
    2. Go to Deployment
    3. Set Web server URL including alias
    4. Click Mappings tab, Add appropriate mapping

To Debug

  1. Click Run >> Edit Configuration
  2. Add File by clicking+ to add a php file to enable it to be debugged
  3. Click 'Debug' to debug in cli
  4. < script url>?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=XDEBUG_ECLIPSE to run in web