Main Page for Doxygen

* @mainpage DocMain
This is the main page for the project. 
1. Describe the project in general and the components/ modules it has
2. Explain each module using data flow and software architecture diagrams
3. Place links for each of the sub module's markdown pages


    @copyright Copyright 2012 Chris Enterprises. All rights reserved.

    @license{This project is released under the GNU Public License.}
*  @brief classWorkFlow Brief Class description  
*  @author Sreekanth
*  @date 29th August 2021
*  @details I am sambhavam
   @details This is para 2 of details
   /// \par Title
/// text of paragraph 1\n
/// text of paragraph 2\n
/// ~~~
/// Some code / sketch
Licence is added with ALIAS.

[Read me file should be like](

- V Project Name
    1. Installation (.dox)
    2. Licensing (.dox)
    3. Components (.dox)
    4. Tools (.dox)
    5. Getting Started (.dox)
    6. V API
        - Classes (source files)
        - Files (source files)


*  @page first_page  Oye hoy
*  @author Sreekanth
*  @brief The first page describes...
*  @date 29th August 2021
*  @details I am sambhavam.Explain the module's role in the system in general

 * @page  second_page Title of the second page
*  @author Sreekanth
 * @brief The second page describes...
*  @date 29th August 2021
*  @details I am sambhavam.Explain the module's role in the system in general
@page module_name Module Name
*  @author Sreekanth
 * @brief Module Name is something...
*  @date 29th August 2021
*  @details Explain the module's role in the system in general 
  @page sub_page_name Submodule IndexPHP
some text here explaining the role of the sub module . This is in main page

  @page sub_page_name2 Nodes
some text here explaining the role of the sub module . This is in main page
Will this be shown in documentation ? No