Module pages (class) for doxygen


* @file ClassWorkFlow.php
* Brief File Description
* This is the typical JavaDoc-style C-style comment. It starts with two
* asterisks.
* @param theory Even if there is only one possible unified theory. it is just a
*               set of rules and equations.

 *  @brief ClassWorkFlow Brief Class description
 *  @author Sreekanth
 *  @date 29th August 2021
 *  @details I am sambhavam
namespace ProjectWorkFlow;

class ClassWorkFlow
    /// this stores the html of enire workflow tree
    public $output = "";

     *  @brief Brief description
     *  @param [in] $childNodeValue Description for $childNodeValue
     *  @param [in] $startingLevel Description for $startingLevel
     *  @return Return description
     *  @author Sreekanth
     *  @date 29th August 2021
     *  @details More details
    public function displayDivHeading($childNodeValue, $startingLevel, $closeTagsConfig = array())
        $closeDiv = isset($closeTagsConfig["closeDiv"]) ? $closeTagsConfig["closeDiv"] : true;
        $closeLi = isset($closeTagsConfig["closeLi"]) ? $closeTagsConfig["closeLi"]  : true;
        $hTag = "h" . $startingLevel;
        /* $closeDivAppend = isset($closeTagsConfig["closeDiv"])?$closeTagsConfig["closeDiv"]:'not';
        $closeLiAppend = isset($closeTagsConfig["closeLi"])?$closeTagsConfig["closeLi"]:'not'; */
        //. $closeDivAppend.$closeLiAppend
        return "<li>\r\n\t<div>\r\n\t<" . $hTag  . ">" .
                $childNodeValue . "</" . $hTag  . ">\r\n" .
                ($closeDiv ? "</div>\r\n" : "") .
                ($closeLi ? "</li>\r\n" : "");
    //function displayDivHeading($childNodeValue,$startingLevel, $closeLi = true)
    * Dynamically displays the nodes in tree format
    * The url argument must specify an absolute
    * <a href="" target="_blank" >this</a>. The name
    * argument is a specifier that is relative to the url argument.
    * <p>
    * This method always returns immediately, whether or not the
    * image exists. When this applet attempts to draw the image on
    * the screen, the data will be loaded. The graphics primitives
    * that draw the image will incrementally paint on the screen.
    **Author:** Author name
    **Date:**  Date##
    * @param  childNodes Array of nodes to be displayed
    * @param  startingLevel the location of the image, relative to the url argument
    * @return      void
    * @see         Image
    public function displayChildNodes($childNodes, $startingLevel)
        $this->output .=   "<ol>\r\n\t";
        foreach ($childNodes as $childNodeKey => $childNodeValue) {
            if (!is_array($childNodeValue)) {
                $this->output .=   $this->displayDivHeading($childNodeValue, $startingLevel);
            } elseif (isset($childNodeValue["main_h"])) {
                $closeTagsConfig = array(
                                            "closeDiv" => false,
                                            "closeLi" => false
                $sub_t = isset($childNodeValue["sub_t"]) ? $childNodeValue["sub_t"] : "";
                $this->output .=   $this->displayDivHeading(
                ) . $sub_t . "</div>\r\n" . "</li>\r\n";
            } else {
                $closeTagsConfig = array(
                                            "closeDiv" => true,
                                            "closeLi" => false
                $this->output .=   $this->displayDivHeading($childNodeKey, $startingLevel, $closeTagsConfig);
                $this->displayChildNodes($childNodeValue, ($startingLevel + 1)) .  "</li>\r\n";
        }//foreach ($childNodes as $childNodeKey => $childNodeValue)
        $this->output .=   "</ol>\r\n\t";
        //echo $this->output;
    //public function displayChildNodes($childNodes, $startingLevel)
    public function showTree()
        echo $this->output;
    //public function showTree()
//class ClassWorkFlow{}