Adobe Premiere Pro Introduction


Step 1 Import or Drag audio/ video clips

To the the Media Browser Window window. You may drag the folder(s) as such. Same will be saved as folders

Step 2 Create Sequence

Drag to Timeline window. An additional asset will be shown in the Media Browser Window window
To play the clip in sequence, either click play button or clicl space bar
If time line not shown properly just click 'File' menu', all windows will properly appear

Drag a second video

Care should be taken not to drag on to same video channel eg: V1

Sync Video

Drag zoom timeline control at the bottom to see time line zzomed(more control if time line shows smalles time quantities)

Razor and Section tool

Use them to cut and drag.
if there are spaces between two sequences in the time line, right click the space and select ripple delete to remove that gap

Fitting low resolution videos

Click on Effect Conrols Window and click scale, either drag it(either in review on the value,without clicking it), or change value

Making Slow motion/Fast Motion

Right click the video channel >> Speed/Duration. Set the speed as per requirement

Adjusting Frame rate

Right click meadia >> Modify >> Interpret Footage >> Edit Assume this Frame rate

Unlink to delete audio

Right click on the vidoe and select unlink, then you can deleted audio only. otherwise video will also get deleted.
Another option is to Click Alt and select, audio alone can be deleted

Zooming timeline to view small intervals big

Zoom time control is is the bottom of time line. Dragging to left increases zoom. Dragging right decreases

Create a Black video background

Go to required video channel(V1,V2 etc)
File >> New >> Black Video
Stretch the length of the video channel to desired length
Use zoom controlss to show time in big

Effect Controls Panel

This Panel helps to edit position, scale, rotation etc

Effects Panel & Effect Controls Panel

Adding Effects and Editing Effects Attributes

Effects may be searched if you know its name in Effects panel. Otherwise you have to manually go through each trype of effects
In Effects Controls panels you could edit paramaeters of Effects. like Guassian blur etc

Video Effects

Choose from Effects(Different from Effect Controls) window. Eg: Guaussian Blur, Crop etc
The same will appear in effect controls panel, adjust the value
To remove the effect, choose the effect in Effect Controls pane and delete.
Eg : Dip to back at the end of the video

Video Transition Effects

Drag is from Effects panel , place between two sequences in timeline.
This may be dragged to make transition take longer duration
Cross Dissolve is a nice transisiton effect

Keyframes to zoom same video differently at different points of time

Keyframes can be created in effects control panel. It can be set for bot audio and videos.
click on the clock symbol to the left of the attribute. A small round control will appear. click on it will create a new key frame to the right of that attribute
For Audio, You can adjust Level (eg: volume) at different key frames. To have a graceful audio end, add Exponential Fade at the end of the audio.

In point and Out points

A sequence that could be rendered correctly will be shown in green line at the top of the time line.
If it is in yellow , it has got some issue with rendering. To solve this we use in point and outpoint
To set an inpoint selet the point in time line click i . slick the point where to end it and click o.
Click Sequence menu >> Render in to out
Usually this is necessitated when we add key frames and change attributes on key frames. eg: Position, Scale etc.

Color Grading

from 45:55 onward
To adjust Contrast, Shadow, White, Black etc. Click Window menu >> Lumetri Color, a new panel would appear
Make adjustments. If you want to remove the adjust ments, goto Effect Controls Panel and delete Lumetri Color
Yo could copy this effect from Effect Controls Panel to Effect Controls Panel of another video


from 01:05 onwards
Click on T control below razor control. Then click on the preview. Add the requied text.
Attributes eg: font, bold, size etc can be edited in Effect controls panel. Click on Text Subpanel
To edit text , click on the text itself. Century Gothic is a good font.

Note: Position of text can also be changed with Selection tool and dragging

Advance Audio editing

form 1:07:45 onwards.

Green Screen (Chroma Key)

Im premier it is Ultra Key Effect not croma key.

  1. In effects window search for Ultra Key.
  2. drag that to clip on which croma key needs to be applied
  3. in effect controls window, look for ultra key. choose color from bottom right.

Resizing Image and clips

In Effect controls window. Check scale
adjiust it by draggingon top or bottom



There are 2 ways

  1. Use the effect Film Dissolve
  2. Change Opacity with key frames

Linear fade

  1. in effects window search for Linear fade
  2. drag that to the graphics on which it is to be applied.
  3. Now go to Effects Control winow and add 3 key frames(begining , middle ,end).
  4. Set opacity to 100(invisible) in the first keyframe & to 0 in the middle(full visible) and again to 100% in the end key frame.
  5. To make left to right transition, change wipe angle to 270%


form 1:12 onwards.
File >> Export >> Media or Ctrl + M
PS: If in and out points are set , only that much portion will be exported. In that case, you must extend the in and out point are to whole video duration required.
You may click Markers menu item >> Clear In and Out or Ctrl + Shift + X to remove all in and out points
But it is better to keep an in and out point area from beignining to end, coz we may forget some test video put in time line bit far away in the time line.
Click on Output Name to change the output video file name

PS: Use Queue button instead of Export, to queue exporting into Media Encoder. Later click play button while we are not working in computer.
Advantage of using Media encoder is that it shows a preview of what so far is exported.

Duplicate a clip in timeline.

ie copying the same clip with effects in time line. this is often required when you create vlogs for youtube, to add subscribe clip at different times.
How to duplicate a clip in Premiere Pro
Select the clip you want to duplicate.
Press and hold alt (Windows) or Option (Mac).
Click and drag1 the selected clip to a new part of the timeline.


Video not shown

Simplest Cure attempt is to close premiere and open it.
It that doent work ,it may be due to different reasons