Disable WordPress plugin from DB

More Details Anotehr Reference Login to the cPanel account and go to File Manager Find the database from the wp-config.php file situated in the website’s document root Go to PHPMyAdmin and select the database Select the table named wp_options and go to active_plugins Change the option_value to a:0:{} for disabling the plugins. its value will…

Setting up a basic contact us form for your site

Download files of this tutorial github starting version github final version Step 1: Setup Your Email http://www.outsource-online.net/blog/2022/06/07/setting-up-an-email-for-your-domain-with-cpanel/ Optional Step Run the below createFiles.bat to create required files @echo off setlocal :PROMPT set GIT_BRANCH_NAME=bob set /p functionalityName="Enter functionality Name: or 'q' to quit " echo "Entered functionality Name was " %functionalityName% set quitbat=true IF not "%functionalityName%"…