Documentation from Scratch

Code Documentation from scratch

Try to follow this

Workflow mentioned in this page

Standard Documentation

  1. Try to draw relevant UML diagrams using puml tutorials,PUML Online Server, Building Blocks, drive
  2. Ensure Standardized Coding
  3. Try to cover as many titles and sub titles in
  4. create flow chart with git URL
  5. check doxygen tips at and other doxygen tips
  6. check git steps in

Steps to document

  1. make sure copy of latest code is updated to git . use quick File Explorer , make sure you know the local folder and local url, in my case it is D:\projects\MyContributions\osolcontributions\quickfileexplorer\master and local url.
  2. Use pagenav class and its documentation as reference.another reference.
  3. Create list of main page and other pages as
  4. Start with Main page
  5. proceed to classes
    Use this regexp to get methods

  6. add required markdown files
  7. Create documentation with doxygen. refer. starting doxygen
  8. create a new branch in git
  9. checkout documentation in a different branch &make public link, ie HTML pages in gitbub , HTML pages in bitbucket