Disable WordPress plugin from DB

More Details Anotehr Reference Login to the cPanel account and go to File Manager Find the database from the wp-config.php file situated in the website’s document root Go to PHPMyAdmin and select the database Select the table named wp_options and go to active_plugins Change the option_value to a:0:{} for disabling the plugins. its value will…

WordPress Login with Code

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5335833/wordpress-wp-signon-function-not-working/ wp_signon() needs to run before you’ve sent any of your actual page to the browser. This is because part of what wp_signon() does is to set your authentication cookies. It does this by outputting a “Set-Cookie: …” header — if you look at line 690 of pluggable.php (wp-includes\pluggable.php), where your error comes from, you’ll…