Source: index.js

// @ts-check

 *  To generate jsdoc documentattion based on configuration run the command `npm run doc`, 
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 * @file index.js is the root file for this example app. This line is shown in homepage of jsdco documentation because this is prefixed by `@file` tag
 * @author Sreekanth Dayanand
 * @see <a href="">Outsource Online Internet Solutions</a>

const {add,multiply} = require('./calculator');// same as import { add, multiply } from './calculator';

 * Student Name
 * @author Sreekanth Dayanand
 * @type {String}
const studentName = "John Doe";

 * @type {Array<number>}
let grades = [98,91,88];

 * @type {{id: number|string, text:string}}
const todo ={
    id: 1,

 * Calculate Tax
 * @param {number} amount - Total amount
 * @param {number} tax - Tax percentage
 * * calculateTax(120,10);
 * * calculateTax(220,15);
 * @returns {string} - Total with a dollar sign
const calculateTax = (amount, tax) => {
    return `$${amount + tax * amount}`
 *  To display output of below line run the command `node src`, 
 * which means run index.js  folder src 
console.log(calculateTax(100, 0.5));

 * A student
 * @typedef {Object} Student
 * @property {number} id - Student ID
 * @property {string} name - Student name
 * @property {string|number} [age]] - Student age
 * @property {boolean} isActive - Wether Student is active

 * @type {Student}
const student = {
    id : 1,
    name: "John Doe",

 * class to construct a person
class Person{
     * @param {Object} personInfo Information about the person
         * @property {string} name name of the person
         */ =;
         * @property {string|number} age age of the person
        this.age = personInfo.age;

     * @property {function} greet A greeting with name and age
     * @returns {void}
        console.log(`Hello , my name is ${} and i am ${this.age} years old`);

 * Person1 
 * see {@link Person}
const person1 = new Person({
    name: "john Doe",