Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Google Analytics Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic and also the mobile app traffic & events, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin Google Analytics provides an SDK that allows gathering usage…

Setting up a Cookie Consent Window

If you use cookies in your website, Cookie Conset Window is must. Read for more details Cookie Consent window with Vanilla JS //localStorage.removeItem("cookiesAccepted"); // this line is for testing only. always comment after testing // Check if the user has already accepted cookies if (!localStorage.getItem('cookiesAccepted')) { //alert("cookiesAccepted is " + localStorage.getItem('cookiesAccepted')); // Display the cookie…

Creating video from all images in a folder

Simple concat Code concat.bat @echo OFF setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION rem 1366×768 set BG_W=1366 set BG_H=768 set SLIDE_DURATION=4 set IMG_TYPE=JPG set /a TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES=0 set PICS_FOLDER=PICS set VIDS_FOLDER=VIDS for %%f in (./%PICS_FOLDER%/*.%IMG_TYPE%) do ( set /a TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES=TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES+1 rem rem echo TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES is !TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES! rem echo file name is %%f rem set filename[!TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES!]=%%f set TEMP_FILENUM=!TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES! echo filename[!TOTAL_IMAGE_FILES!]…

Artificial Intelligence Introduction

Basically it refers to software algorithms that are able to learn – becoming better and better at carrying out one specific task as they are exposed to more data. This article is based on [this video] Intelligence AI is defined as the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines espescially computers. Many times intelligence is…

Setting Up FB Login with PHP

Main Ref Another ref Ref for Login with DB Facebook login manual flow Facebook tutorial for login with JS Full JS reference Create FB App Created App Under Settings >> Basic set App domains get App Id and App secret Download facebook graph sdk Graph SDK Git composer require facebook/graph-sdk copy index.php and profile.php replace…

FFMPEG : Concatenation

change format if required Often Adobe premiere exports in mpeg set sourceFile=yogaIntro set sourceFileFormat=mpeg set targetFile=%sourceFile%WithLogo ffmpeg -i %sourceFile%.%sourceFileFormat% %targetFile%.mp4 -y Perform concat ffmpeg -y -i "yogaIntroWithLogo.mp4" -i "yogaOutroSilent.mp4" -filter_complex "[0:v] [0:a] [1:v] [1:a]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" -y concat.mp4

FFMPEG : Trimming Options

Suppose we want to trim from 59 seconds to 66 seconds if audio is to be retained. ffmpeg -i outros.mp4 -ss 59 -t 7 yogaOutro.mp4 if audio channel is to be used. ffmpeg -i outros.mp4 -ss 59 -t 7 -an yogaOutroNoAudio.mp4 With filter_complex if audio is to be retained. ffmpeg -i outros.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=start=59:end=66,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [vout];[0:a]atrim=59:66…

3D Reference in Google Sheet

3D referenceing is a feature available in Microsoft Excel A reference that refers to the same cell or range on multiple sheets is called a 3-D reference. A 3-D reference is useful and convenient way to reference several worksheets that follow the same pattern and cells on each worksheet contain the same type of data,…

Android App Development : Using Google App Scripts API

Some usefull links are in Google Official Documentation Good class to use as starting point Phase 1 : instatiate Credential static final int REQUEST_ACCOUNT_PICKER = 1000; static final int REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION = 1001; static final int REQUEST_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES = 1002; private static final String PREF_ACCOUNT_NAME = "accountName"; private static final String[] SCOPES = { ""…