Outsource Magento Web Design and Customizations

Ecommerce and Magento

If you are looking for a all in one solution(in terms of flexibility, scalabality and core features) for implementing your ecommerce ideas the first option we recommend is magento.Magento is a free and open source eCommerce platform developed by an eCommerce development company Verian CA, USA.Its based on Zend Framework and strictly follows MVC pattern.With everything to convert your ecommerce concepts to reality,be it a simple product,downloadable product,bundled options or products configurable by the customer,Magento Commerce provides easy to use options both for site owner and the customer from single owner single site to multi store enterprise level ecommerce stores.

Outsourcing Magento web site development

Once you have an ecommerce idea and /or envisaged the web design for your website you can contact us to give life to your ideas.We at Outsource Online offer all kind of services to convert your concepts to reality.Be it creating a your ecommerce store web design,or converting a PSD that you have already made/purchased into magento theme.Or integrating a theme that you already have or purchased to your magento store Or programming custom magento modules that enhace your website's functionality to the extend of your ideas.Finally we can also help you promote your website in the internet be it SEO,SEM,SMM,PPC or any other mode of promotion in the internet

Basic Magento website design Outsourcing

A magento store like any other ecommerce store has mainly the following pages.Home,Signup/registration,Login ,Product listing,Product Details,Checkout and finally thanks page.It also has a member area where a customer can login and view their orders.If you are looking for outsourcing a ecommerce web site design,you need to primarly consider customizing these pages.The default magento theme provides single column layout,2 column layout and 3 column layout.The content area of each page generally resides at the center of these layouts.Depending on how you want the web design each of the above pages the any of these layouts could be assigned.At the basic level if you define how a 3 column layout is to be designed the conceptualization part is almost done.

Step 1:Outsourcing Magento Web design:Web design idea to PSD

Once you have finalized your web design ideas for your ecommerce store and decides to go with a bespoke web design,the next step is to create graphical representation of your web design idea.Our designers will present you with PSD representation of your web design idea which is the first step of creating your tailor made web design for your magento web store.Depending on the complexity of your web design idea we offer 3 levels of pricing basic,standard,professional

Step 2:Outsouring PSD Magento Design to XHTML conversion:

Once the PSD templates are ready, they need to be converted to xhtml pages.So that your ecommerce web site design and contents can be presented through them in web browsers.The XHTML pages so created with be w3compatible which means they will be adhering to standards set by w3c so that the contents will be identitcal all popular browsers(Firefox,IE,Chrome,Safari,Opera etc)

Step 3:Outsourcing XHTML to Magento Skin/Theme/Template

After xhtml is created , the next step is to convert the to magento theme based on the xhtml.A magento skin consists of layout xml files(which lets the ecommerce system know how the other files that constitute your tailor made web design is to be interpreted),phtml files(php and html part of the pages renedered through your bespoke ecommerce web design) and skin assets(images,css,swf files and javascript files of your custom magento template.Once these files are created,uploaded and integrated into your store through backend ,custom magento website design part is done.

Step 4:Integrating custom magento theme to your web store

Magento provides different options to integrate custom skin.It can be applied to your entire site al together which is the usuall way.Other options includes applying your bespoke web desin to particular product/category/content pages OR to apply your custom theme for specfic dates.The later 2 options are used only in special situations and we dont recommend them unless you are very fluent with magento backend.

Outsourcing Magento Website Development/Customization Services

The scope of outsourcing magento web site developement and customization basically comprises of the following

  • Outsourcing Magento Customizations:It can be customizing specfic pages,developing custom modules or customizing/overriding existing modules.Our developers are experts in developing custom modules for frontend ,backend or both wether its a simple module or something that demands advanced options like AJAX and Flash Applications
  • Outsourcing Content writing:So that your site is more user friendly and search engine friendly.We have expert content writers for doing this.
  • Outsourcing Upgradations:Magento keeps upgrading frequently with new features ,security updates and other patches.To sync with the latest edition you need to upgrade your store to the latest version.Some custom extensions are built for the latest version.
  • Outsourcing Magento Restoration:Like any ecommerce web sites,magento web sites can also crash due to different reasons.We can help you in such situations
  • Outsourcing Custom modules(for eg:shipping,payment modules) development and integration.Lots of new shipping and payment options are released every day.We can help you in integrating them for the sake of managablity of your site or sake of user friendlyness of your site
  • Outsourcing Multi Store setup :We have good experience in setting up multi store websites with magento and can help you with our expertise
  • Outsouring shopping cart migration to magento:If you are an owner of an ecommerce store made with a different ecommerce script(oscommerce ,virtuemart ,zencart ,creloaded ,xcart or similar other scripts) and wabt to migrate your ecommerce to magento preserving all your existing shop's data intact we could provide our proffessional service for shopping cart migration
  • Outsourcing Magento Training:Magento is good platform ,but its complex too.If you or your staff needs training for magento administration,we can could provide training too
  • Outsourcing your Ecommerce store maintanence

Outsourcing Magento Website Promotion:

Once you set up your ecommerce web store,you need to target on getting customers.There are a wide range of ways to promote your ecommerce store from Search Engine Optimization to Pay Per Click options.Depending on how you want to promote your site,we can handle your website promotion requirements

Hire Expert Magento Developers

Though we recommend to outsource your magento requirements on a per project basis, If you are quite familiar with magento and knows what exacty to do in your magento ecommerce site,we also offer expert php programmers specialised in custom magento development on monthly or hourly rates for magento theme creation and custom magento module development.Hiring magento programmers is good when you have strong command over magento but you have a project ,the final scope of which is to be determined after discussion and development.